During our Board Meeting tonight we adopted an amendment to the Rules for the Association as well as a resolution adopting temporary health and safety protocols on use of common area amenities. Residents can find copies of these documents under the HOA DOCUMENTS section of this website. There you will also find the waiver release form and new pool rules.
This is notice to all Members of the Oak Creek HOA (the “Association”) to advise of the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association, as follows:
DATE: JUNE 25, 2020 TIME: 7:30 P.M. LOCATION: Conference Call *Members: to listen in on the meeting, please call 1-866-906-7447, enter code 9193635#. A general description of the subjects to be discussed and voted on at the meeting are set forth below in the Agenda for the meeting. I. Open Session – Called Meeting to Order: 7:30 P.M. a) Establish quorum b) Approve May 13, 2020 meeting minutes c) New Business 1) Board Member appointment 2) Review and adoption of health and safety rules and regulations II. Adjourn at ___________________ *** The Board is working diligently to open the pool soon contingent on the Governor's Orders and legal requirements of the CDC. This is one of the formalities that we have to undertake to forego the requirements so that we may reopen our neighborhood pool***. Pool Opening Target Date is July 1st All documents have been created by Connie at Niemann & Heyer LLP and presented to the Board for corrections, additions, approval, and have been sent back to Connie. Pool Key Access system has been scheduled and should be finished by Monday. Testing will be done as soon as possible for any issues. New COVID-19 signs were delayed this week but will be installed next week. Notice of Board Meeting will be announced early next week. Here is the new sign to be posted at both gates at the pool. The boxes at the bottom are there so that as the state orders change we can update the sign.
Pool Opening Date TBD but goal is within the next 2 at most 3 weeks
June 2024