Due to the recent storms this month the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) has come up with roof replacement guidelines that do not require ACC approval. If your roof needs repair/replacement and you meet these requirements then you do not need to submit a ACC request for the repairs.
Recent Hail Damage Roof Repairs/Replacement requirements that do not need ACC approval.
Thank you Oak Creek ACC Committee
Next Board Meeting is next week May 5th at 7 PM. Email has been sent out to all homeowners of the agenda and ZOOM Meeting infomation.
Due to the winter storm re-opening of our amenities have been delayed due to busted pipes in the clubhouse, bathrooms, and pool. At this time we have been able to restore water to all areas and will be opening the pool and one of the bathrooms starting this weekend. Please be aware that the kiddie pool did sustain plaster damage during the storm so the surface of this pool maybe rougher to your feet. Also please note that the Pool Waivers are still in affect and are required to be on file with CMA before your pool key will be activated. You can find all the documents needed on our website at www.oakcreekrrtx.org/hoa-documents highlighted in blue. The clubhouse is still having repairs done and soon will be opened for rentals just be aware that the sink in the kitchenette will not be available at this time.
October 2024