This is notice to all Members of the Oak Creek HOA (the “Association”) to advise of the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association, as follows:
DATE: AUGUST 26, 2020 TIME: 7:00 PM LOCATION: Via ZOOM Join: Meeting ID: 682 210 3579 Password: 9PYxzS a) Establish quorum b) Approve minutes from June 25, 2020 Board meeting c) Homeowner Forum d) Oral summarization of items approved via conference call, email vote, or other permitted method since last meeting: e) Motion and vote to ratify actions taken outside of a meeting since last meeting f) Presidents reports g) Treasurers report h) Manager’s report i) Old business i. Board member appointment ii. Review and adoption of Health and Safety rules and regulations j) New business i. Non-member request for access to pool ii. Appointment of Nominating Committee iii. Annual Meeting date to be selected k) Confirm next regular Board meeting II. Executive Session III. Executive Session topics may include: a) Matters involving the invasion of privacy of individual owners – Delinquencies IV. Report out of Executive Session V. Adjourn
June 2024