DATE: January 19, 2022
TIME: 7:00 PM LOCATION: Oak Creek Clubhouse a) Establish quorum b) Approve minutes from Dec. 8, 2021 and Oct. 18, 2021 Board meetings c) Homeowner Forum – 3 minute limit per owner d) Oral summarization of items approved via conference call, email vote, or other permitted method since last meeting. Motion and vote to ratify actions taken outside of a meeting since last meeting: Email vote for KAH Contract for $15K e) Presidents reports f) Treasurers report g) Manager’s report Handled day to day operations Provided financial reports Performed monthly property inspections Processed ACC requests Fielded and resolved Homeowner inquiries Maintenance performed porter duties Working with landscaper concerning irrigation issues Continued to work with claim adjuster, to receive payment shortly h) Old business Approve Legislative rules update
Looking to change the violation notices from 3 to 2. (remove the courtesy notice) Schedule the return of deck furniture Discuss scheduling extra drive through during summer months. Renovation Updates from Stephanie Confirm next regular Board meeting II. Executive Session III. Executive Session topics may include: a) Delinquencies - Matters involving the invasion of privacy of individual owners IV. Report out of Executive Session V. Adjourn
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